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Unlocking Possibilities with the GPIO Port

As technology advances, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, revolutionizing various industries. Exploring new use cases within IoT is exciting for those more technically skilled than the average Joe. This blog post will delve into the often overlooked but powerful GPIO port found in our sensor. Referred to as the “lattjolajban port” in Swedish, this port is a magician’s toolkit, enabling users to perform a wide array of fascinating functions and open up new possibilities in their IoT projects.

Port for possibilities

The GPIO port (General Purpose Input/Output) is a feature-rich component within our AKKR8 sensor. While it boasts multiple ports, the GPIO port stands out as one of the influential ones and also a port that really proves our capabilities. Its capabilities are vast; it can be used for turning on or off external sensors, communicating with daughter boards or break-out boards via I2C or SPI, and acting as a power source for connected devices. This versatility makes the GPIO port an invaluable asset beyond the average applications.

Unlocking New Possibilities with the GPIO Port: A Magical Toolkit for IoT Enthusiasts

Harnessing the Power of the GPIO Port

One great use case for the GPIO port lies in monitoring diesel tanks in remote Swedish countryside areas. These tanks, which hold substantial diesel fuel and serve local farmers, trucking companies, and construction firms, require periodic refilling. However, monitoring them remotely using battery-operated devices poses a unique challenge.

To tackle this challenge, a sensor with a 4-20 mA output is the ideal solution for measuring the tank’s level. Unfortunately, such sensors consume significant power, making continuous operation impractical. Here’s where the GPIO port comes to the rescue. By leveraging this magical port, we can power up the 4-20 mA sensor only when necessary. The process involves initiating the device, powering up the sensor, allowing it to stabilize, and finally obtaining a stable reading from the analogue input of our device. Once the reading is acquired, the sensor can be powered down, allowing the device to return to sleep mode.

The device also has a motion sensor on the board; we can wake up if someone moves the tank and alert a nearby person by SMS or via the IoT platform of choice.

Unleashing the Magic

The GPIO port uses the potential of the AKKR8 device to transform your IoT dreams into reality. While the sensors onboard AKKR8 may not address every conceivable scenario, combining our firmware’s “magic wand” feature and the GPIO pin hardware enables users to perform astonishing feats. The magic wand firmware provides access to special functions that allow for precise control over the GPIO pin, including powering it up, introducing delays for sensor stabilization, and subsequently powering it down.

For technically skilled individuals seeking new and innovative applications within IoT, the GPIO port of our AKKR8 sensor is a treasure trove of possibilities. With its ability to power up external sensors, communicate with other boards, and perform various functions using our firmware’s magic wand feature, this port opens the door to limitless creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned IoT enthusiast or a curious individual looking to explore the realm of IoT, the GPIO port will ignite your imagination and propel you towards exciting new horizons. Embrace the magic and let your IoT dreams take flight!

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Understanding AKKR8

Sorry for making your life hard with pronouncing our name. AKKR8 means "accurate".



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